Libr and Debt Free

Libr Debt Freedom™

Libr Debt Freedom™ is the perfect way to break free from consumer debt.

Eliminate Debt

We can help you re-negotiate with lenders and slash up to 50% of your debt. Experience the relief of reduced balances and a clear path to credit restoration.

We can help you reduce debt thru Debt Relief program such as debt validation: A debt relief program that follows an auditing process —holding lenders, creditors, collection agencies, even the credit bureaus accountable to U.S. lending law, the C.A.R.D. Act, the C.C.P.A. Act, and the C.F.P.B. If the creditors cannot show they have followed the letter of the law, the debt cannot be collected. 
  • 98% Success Rate Guarantee
  • Safe & Secure Process
  • Less Paperwork and hassle for you.


How We Can Help?

Libr Debt Freedom™ can help you…

  • Eliminate Debt
    Eliminate Debt
    Let us help you re-negotiate debt with lenders at up to 50% the actual debt.
  • Credit Repair
    Credit Repair
    Remove bad debt and unsecured debt from your credit history and score
  • Improve Credit
    Improve Credit
    Address the 3 key factos that determine 80% of your credit score.

Enrol in Debt Elimination Program

Do You have more than $5,000 in Consumer Debt?…

Book a meeting with us for a FREE consultation and to learn more about the Libr Debt Freedom™ Program.

Get a Credit Consierge Quickly

Request Information

We match you with a Credit Concierge to help you evaluate your current credit needs and design a personalized solution. From Re-Building Credit, to Paying Off and re-negotiating Debt, and Fixing Negative Credit Remarks.

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